Ibu Rani continues to grow as a coffee producer and processor since the last coffee we sourced from her. When she's not busy traveling to attend coffee conferences and workshops, she is overseeing the delivery and adoption of new equipment to further the quality of her coffee.
Ibu is dedicated to the craft and to those around her, employing many women in her community. She is a prime example of the many opportunities that coffee can afford for people.
We are stoked to be able to buy her signature ICA Anaerobic Natural, a process she has perfected over time and a fantastic addition to our core coffees.
Tasting notes: Orange Peel, Tropical Fruit, Red Grape
Java Halu - Indonesia Single Origin Coffee
Contents: Freshly Roasted Whole Bean Coffee
Grower: Rani Mayasari Partadiredja - Java Halu
Region: Gununghalu, West Java, Indonesia
Elevation/Altitude: 1400 - 1600 MASL
Plant Species: Arabica
Variety/Cultivars: Sigarar Utang, S795
Process: Anaerobic Natural